Ck2 de jure drift
Ck2 de jure drift

ck2 de jure drift

In any other scenario, ignoring Learning entirely, since it's only useful for the culture head for the sake of directing "research".

ck2 de jure drift

This allows to control innovations and making them progress significantly faster.

  • Aiming to become culture head and in the same time focusing on Learning (along with looking for a wife with as high Learning as possible).
  • The second provides him with extra money, prestige and piety from being landed, and, more importantly, provides extra lifestyle experience from being member of the royal council. The first part prevents the heir from getting into a civil war your vassals can freely fight at lower Authority and thus potentially getting slain or captured in battle.
  • Not landing your heir prior to achieving High Crown Authority and once it is done, landing him and instantly hiring him as a councillor.
  • ck2 de jure drift

    Revoking baronies incurs no tyranny, and barons cannot have councillors.

  • Players playing as non-tribal characters without a full demesne will revoke barons holding onto castles and/or temples (in the case of Muslims, or any religion with the Lay Clergy doctrine).
  • or cities (at least in the right counties) are the most efficient and reliable money-makers, always paying their due no matter what, while the snowballing development modifiers they bring allow the rolling in of money and technology.

    ck2 de jure drift

    Depending who you ask, cities are either nerfed to the ground, their income is lackluster and the replacement of raw profits with development modifier is a complete deal breaker.

  • Broken Base: On the status of city holdings, their taxation and co-related development.
  • Many of the top comments, second only to complaints about the new naval system, were variations on, " boobs!" It was never explicitly mentioned in the preview, merely seen in a video, and the character seen naked was an elderly woman with an unremarkable physique appropriate for her age. Adamites, certain Jains) would not be Nipple and Dimed note the devs later clarified there's an option to change this, and fig leafs would be included on the lower body, though some previews used Barbie Doll Anatomy instead. Additionally, a preview video for the game showed, incidentally, that nudist characters (e.g. Jainism and certain Catholic sects join the club with Zoroastrianism and Messalian sect. Which is somehow still an improvement for Jainism, given its reputation from II. And this is what people will mostly discuss about those religions.
  • Best Known for the Fanservice: For many players, the rich and complex system by which you can convert or even found your own religion boils down to, "You can see boobies," since you can pick a naturalist tenet that makes priests and zealous characters permanently naked.

  • Ck2 de jure drift